Explore compounds identified on breath

An expanding repository of breath-related compounds and the context in which they were found

The VOC Atlas is being developed to better understand the composition of human exhaled breath in terms of the diversity in a healthy population and the differences in different disease states.

Due to the link between volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and their generation from, or interaction with the physiological processes in the body, understanding the volatilome and specific VOCs could provide significant benefits as non-invasive biomarkers, detectable in the breath.

The Atlas also provides insight and scientific context to breathborne compounds, including the number of times a candidate breath biomarker is referenced in the literature.

Free for academic use

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Developed by Owlstone Medical, world-leaders in breath research, supported by funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Literature Associations
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Robust breath collection

VOC Atlas uses Owlstone Medical’s Breath Biopsy collection hardware and analytical procedures.


Reliable compound identities

All compounds in the Atlas have been matched against standards so you can be confident which compound is which.

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Identify background contaminants

Breathborne VOCs categorized as “on-breath” in the atlas have undergone robust analytical comparison to background samples.

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Accurate quantification

Atlas presents concentrations of identified compounds in ng/L.